Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chinese New Year

Highlights of last night were spending time with good friends, and making even more friends.  Seeing all of the little girls in their Chinese dresses made me look forward to seeing Eden grow up.  Also being encouraged by so many moms that have been through the exact things we are going through was heartwarming. Overall it was a great way to bring in the "New Year." We are looking forward to having Eden by our side next year.

Fun tidbit: Eden, Evan, and I were all born in the year of the rabbit.  Rabbits are slightly special for Evan and I for many reasons.  My family has called me the fluffy bunny for years, we have raised rabbits, we still have a couple rabbit stuffed animals and blankets from when we were both younger, and we have a slew of stuffed rabbits for her already.  On top of all of that we gave away the bunny bears to kiddos at church to be praying for children without moms and dads.  This was a response of one of the kids, one of the moms filled us in:

So my Roo has been carrying around this stuffed rabbit for a week, he takes it almost everywhere he goes.  This morning we were at Upwards, of course he's got the rabbit in tow and a big kid says why do you have that?  Roo says its to remind me to pray for the kids all over the world who don't have a Mommy, and I think that it would be terrible not to have a Mommy!

Oh, just knowing that our kiddos are praying for orphans is wonderful, but the fact that they are sharing their faith with others is awesome.  Thank the Lord for kids, and their childlike faith.

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